Funny Chinese signs!

"Star-rated" toilet in the Forbidden City. Not that the sign doesn't make sense, but come on. A Chinese hole in the ground is a Chinese hole in the ground.

I'm guessing something about protecting nature.

Hostel dorm in Kunmin.

Kinda cute.







Must... Wear... Life jacket..!!

"You know Don..."

"Look at me! I am toilet, relax"

Moonhill warning.

"Male" is probably my favourite. Hate when that happens.

I have absolutely no clue.


This is just cute.


"Forbid to beam on"

"Please refrain from squatting on the toilet seat"

That was a best-of of the ones we actually took pictures of. Unfortunately, we DON’T have pictures of the many brilliant menucards while it’s usually not allowed taking pictures in restaurants. But as examples there are “Jane’s Family portrait with bacteries”, “Soviet Union to the rescue-duck”, “Lion’s head” and many, many more.

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